About Us
Our HREA Partners:

The Rosen Group
President and Founder

Trion, Senior Consultant

Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.
Senior Vice President

Trilogy Talent Advisors, Managing Partner
“HREA has been a great opportunity for me to connect in a more intimate setting with local senior HR leaders and CEOs. Having a forum for small group or one on one discussions, both in a structured format during the panel events, or an unstructured format during the networking/social events, has been unique and valuable. Most recently I attended the Van Gogh private exhibition tour. In addition to a mind-expanding cultural experience, over breakfast with two other members we discovered that they are considering outsourcing a key function to the same vendor with whom we currently partner. Quite by chance they were able to solicit some insights into our experience and how that might be relevant to their own. I would encourage prospective members to attend one of our upcoming events to determine how HREA might expand your network and your thinking."
Rochelle Krombolz, CHRO, Tekni-Plex, Inc.