
The Alliance holds quarterly Leadership Symposiums at executive locations in Philadelphia and/or in the Suburbs. Speakers include Chief Executive Officers, Chief Human Resources Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Academics and HR Award winners. There is no fee to attend your first two Leadership Symposiums as our guest.

Upcoming Events

A Senior HR Leader Virtual Roundtable

Join us for our annual Senior HR Virtual Roundtable on Wednesday, March 5th, from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect and share insights with fellow HR professionals on the most relevant issues and challenges you face today. To ensure the discussions are tailored to your interests, we will send out a survey to gather your input on the topics you would like to see covered.


HREA April Meeting- 2025 Employment Law Update

Details to come


From Our Members

“As a Human Resource professional, you are invited to a number of seminars and networking events. The challenge is finding those that provide the best opportunity for professional development, exchanging best practices and engaging in high quality networking with peers. After attending the Human Resources Executive Alliance event, I can tell you that they have it mastered. Having the opportunity to hear first hand perspectives from the CEO of one the largest healthcare systems in the region was priceless. The HREA is the premiere networking alliance for Human Resources."

Douglas McLaughlin, Crown Cork & Seal

Our Partners

Partners are limited companies that are responsible for sharing financial support for the operations of the organization as well as, in part with the Advisory Board, support the direction of the Alliance.

Challenger Rosen Marsh MCLennan Agency Greenbherg Taurig, LLP Trilogy Talent Advisors